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While still consuming all of your favorite foods, here are 5 tips to help you burn stubborn belly fat over the holidays.


While still consuming all of your favorite foods, here are 5 tips to help you burn stubborn belly fat over the holidays.


smoothy diet
smoothy diet

The festive season is arrived.  We have many opportunities to celebrate from now till the new year with friends, family, and possibly a few strangers as well. How do you manage to stay on track with your diet and prevent gaining additional weight in the midst of all the festivities? Or even better, continue to shed extra pounds?



According to certain publications, the average person puts on 3 to 7 pounds. According to a different study, people who are currently overweight are more likely to acquire weight. Over the holidays, those people put on an average of 8 lbs. What's worse is that. These studies also discovered that a large number of people NEVER lose the weight they gain, which over time accumulates.


Putting studies aside, you might be more significant.  How does your physique change over the holidays?

Do you frequently gain a few extra pounds that you find difficult to lose in the new year?

Would you like to attend all those wonderful holiday parties and gatherings without gaining any extra weight? The good news is that you can take pleasure in the celebrations and delectable foods without putting on weight.


The Challenge with Holiday Weight Gain

The holiday season is very lengthy in the US. Halloween, where if you take your kids to the proper neighborhood, you can load your home with enough candy to last a decade, essentially kicks things off in October (earlier for some religious organizations).

Then comes Thanksgiving.  Depending on your height and weight, you should consume between 1800–2400 calories per day. The typical Thanksgiving feast has about 3000 calories, according to estimates. Just the food is included in it.  This excludes any appetizers and snacks you may have had earlier, which typically carry an additional 1500 calories. You consume twice as many calories as is suggested each day in one meal. Thanksgiving meal typically contains a ton of fat and sugar, which doesn't aid in maintaining a slender figure.

Following the Thanksgiving holiday, there are a flurry of holiday luncheons, company parties, family reunions, and baking competitions. There are lots of chances to overindulge.

Then there are the winter holiday dinners. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or another holiday, you probably have to go to at least one holiday meal with friends and family. The average calorie count for these feasts is around 3000.

With all the great food, holiday baked goods, candy, and beverages, it's no wonder many put on a few extra pounds! Unfortunately, a lot of individuals give up and believe that it is impossible to avoid overindulging and putting on weight during the holidays. But it's conceivable.


Let's speak about how to keep the weight off and possibly even drop a few pounds while you're at it instead of how much weight you're going to acquire.


How to Enjoy Your Holiday Festivities and Still Lose Weight

The good news is that you may still take part in all those festive festivities without having to acquire bigger garments in the coming year.  You simply need to make sensible decisions about how to enjoy your parties and celebrations as well as how to care for your body in between all of the activities.


1.     DON'T Skip Meals on Party Days:

 Many people believe that skipping meals on the days of parties and feasts will help them make up for the substantial dinner that will follow. Sadly, this makes you feel more hungry and raises the possibility that you may overeat. Eat nutritious, balanced meals instead to make your body feel full. This enables you to consume smaller portions throughout the dinner or event. Green smoothies are a fantastic pre-party food option since they are packed with nutrients and fiber and make you feel satiated and full.

2. Eat in moderation:

 You are aware that the gathering will feature a huge selection of delectable cuisine. Additionally, it's probably incredibly wealthy and unhealthy.  Even though there aren't always many healthy options available at holiday parties, the food that is served is always delicious! You are not need to restrict yourself from trying these delectable foods. Have some of your own handmade pie or sample some of that rich cheese dip. Embrace it! Just learn to manage your portions.  Eat a tiny piece of cake or pie.  Make a small plate for yourself with the snacks you want so you may be mindful of how much you are eating rather than prowling around the h'orderves and randomly nibbling throughout the event. Try a few bites of the foods you enjoy, rather than a full serving of each. Savor them as you eat so you actually enjoy them.  This also helps reduce excess.

3.Green smoothie meal replacements:

 In order to assist your body balance itself after all the holiday excess, consume healthier foods in between the festivities. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables each day to aid your body in eliminating the excess fats, sweets, processed meals, and empty calories you've been consuming lately. Green smoothies are a terrific way to get your recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables

while also keeping you satisfied. To offset the impact of your holiday celebrations, substitute a green smoothie for at least one of your daily meals.


4.Move Your Body:

 During the holidays, don't let your fitness regimen lapse.  At the very least, continue with your regular activity to give your body a chance to burn off some of the surplus. You may want to add in some extra time to help your body manage if you have a lot of occasions and opportunity to overindulge.


5.Quick DETOX Between Holiday Activities:

Plan a few detox days in between celebrations to aid your body in eliminating the extra. When made correctly, green smoothies make delicious, simple detox drinks that are excellent for ridding the body of excess without making you feel flavorless. Detoxing the day or two following the party might greatly aid in your body's ability to reset during the holiday season.  It is a fantastic time to perform a longer detox to clean your body and start a healthy diet after the holiday celebrations wind down in the new year. This 3-Day Detox regimen, which I love, is ideal for the holiday season.


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